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Gravity could be the key to the fifth force. If we are finding out, why it's so weak, we can find the key to the fifth force. So is gravity only the sum of four fundamental forces? And is the quantum field, that cuts the superstring between the atoms the reason, why we can only see the gravity? The idea is that when the transportation particle is leaving inside the atom, it would first transmit its energy to the quantum field.
So when the quark in the proton or neutron in the nucleus of the atom will send the transportation particle, what can have wave-movement and particle forms, that particle would first hit to the own quantum field of the proton, where it transfers the energy. Then the energy would transfer to the quantum field of the nucleus of the atom, and then it would jump between the quantum fields of the electron layers of the atom would transmit the energy to each other, and then all energy would be used, when the wave movement would reach the most out energy core of an atom, and that means that the energy level what remains for interaction between atoms is very weak.
The fifth force and question is gravity the force or the sum of the other three fundamental interactions. So are those interactions only the one simple force, what interacts with different frequencies? The idea of four fundamental forces is that they are interacting with transportation particles, which are like photons. Each transportation particle has the forms of wave movement and particles. So they are like photons. So if the wave-movement would interact, that thing requires that the sender practice would have the same size as the receiver particle.
The reason why gravitation is so weak is that it's the electromagnetic wave movement, that interacts with the electromagnetic or quantum field that surrounds the atom. And the size of every each atom is different. That means gravity cannot interact with full force. The reason why the other fundamental interactions cannot affect the long-range is that the wave movement, what the other subatomic particles will send has the other wavelength than the interaction between electron cores. So if the strong interaction will affect, that thing requires that the transmitting particle that is sent by quark will face another quark. If the atom nuclei would interact with each other, that thing requires that the nuclei of atoms are the same size.
The four fundamental interactions are:
1) Strong interaction, what keeps quarks inside neutrons and protons
2) Weak interaction: what keeps the nucleus of atoms in one entirety
3) Electromagnetic interaction, what interacts between the electron core and nucleus of an atom
4) Gravitational interaction, which interacts in the long-range. (Is gravity itself the force, or is it the sum of other forces? Gravity is only force, which cannot be combined with the other three forces, and that thing makes creating the GUT (Grand unified theory)
There is the possibility that the fifth fundamental interaction has been found in CERN
There is a possibility, that researchers in CERN are observed the flash of the fifth interaction. If the X70 particle would carry the fifth force or make it possible to see that thing, that thing would open the gate to the biggest discovery in history. The theory of the Fifth force is sometimes forgotten to explain, and the idea is that the so-called fifth element would explain, why the weakest of all forces is gravity. But gravity is the thing that interacts with long-range, and the question is always why?
The theory of the fifth natural force would explain that thing, by connecting all other natural interactions from outside the atom to the nucleus under one force. Gravity is the force that interacts with atoms, electromagnetic interaction would interact between electron core and nucleus. The weak interaction keeps the nucleus of atoms in one piece, and the strong interaction keeps the quarks in the protons and neutrons.
But why those interactions are not visible from outside the atom. So could the answer found from the Superstring theory? The idea is that every fundamental interaction requires the transition or transporter particle. When the transportation particle hits to similar particle, what is sending, it would make the string between those particles.
The reason why we cannot notice the strong interaction outside the atom is that the transporter particle of that force cannot create a bridge or superstring through the quantum field. The transportation particle of the strong interaction must have the opponent, which has the same size as quarks.
The core of the protons and neutrons, what is the quantum fields cannot interact, because they cut the superstring or the size of the impact point is so small, that protons and neutrons are not interacting. So as I wrote at the beginning of the text, the reason, why the other forces than gravity cannot interact is that the frequency of the wave movement of the transportation particles is so different, that the atoms are not finding the frequency, what makes them interact.