Tuesday, March 23, 2021

There is the possibility that the fifth fundamental interaction has been found in CERN



Gravity could be the key to the fifth force. If we are finding out, why it's so weak, we can find the key to the fifth force. So is gravity only the sum of four fundamental forces? And is the quantum field, that cuts the superstring between the atoms the reason, why we can only see the gravity? The idea is that when the transportation particle is leaving inside the atom, it would first transmit its energy to the quantum field. 

So when the quark in the proton or neutron in the nucleus of the atom will send the transportation particle, what can have wave-movement and particle forms, that particle would first hit to the own quantum field of the proton, where it transfers the energy. Then the energy would transfer to the quantum field of the nucleus of the atom, and then it would jump between the quantum fields of the electron layers of the atom would transmit the energy to each other, and then all energy would be used, when the wave movement would reach the most out energy core of an atom, and that means that the energy level what remains for interaction between atoms is very weak. 

The fifth force and question is gravity the force or the sum of the other three fundamental interactions. So are those interactions only the one simple force, what interacts with different frequencies? The idea of four fundamental forces is that they are interacting with transportation particles, which are like photons. Each transportation particle has the forms of wave movement and particles. So they are like photons. So if the wave-movement would interact, that thing requires that the sender practice would have the same size as the receiver particle. 

The reason why gravitation is so weak is that it's the electromagnetic wave movement, that interacts with the electromagnetic or quantum field that surrounds the atom. And the size of every each atom is different. That means gravity cannot interact with full force. The reason why the other fundamental interactions cannot affect the long-range is that the wave movement, what the other subatomic particles will send has the other wavelength than the interaction between electron cores. So if the strong interaction will affect, that thing requires that the transmitting particle that is sent by quark will face another quark. If the atom nuclei would interact with each other, that thing requires that the nuclei of atoms are the same size. 

The four fundamental interactions are:

1) Strong interaction, what keeps quarks inside neutrons and protons

2) Weak interaction: what keeps the nucleus of atoms in one entirety

3) Electromagnetic interaction, what interacts between the electron core and nucleus of an atom

4) Gravitational interaction, which interacts in the long-range. (Is gravity itself the force, or is it the sum of other forces? Gravity is only force, which cannot be combined with the other three forces, and that thing makes creating the GUT (Grand unified theory) 

There is the possibility that the fifth fundamental interaction has been found in CERN

There is a possibility, that researchers in CERN are observed the flash of the fifth interaction. If the X70 particle would carry the fifth force or make it possible to see that thing, that thing would open the gate to the biggest discovery in history. The theory of the Fifth force is sometimes forgotten to explain, and the idea is that the so-called fifth element would explain, why the weakest of all forces is gravity. But gravity is the thing that interacts with long-range, and the question is always why?

The theory of the fifth natural force would explain that thing, by connecting all other natural interactions from outside the atom to the nucleus under one force. Gravity is the force that interacts with atoms, electromagnetic interaction would interact between electron core and nucleus. The weak interaction keeps the nucleus of atoms in one piece, and the strong interaction keeps the quarks in the protons and neutrons. 

But why those interactions are not visible from outside the atom. So could the answer found from the Superstring theory? The idea is that every fundamental interaction requires the transition or transporter particle. When the transportation particle hits to similar particle, what is sending, it would make the string between those particles. 

The reason why we cannot notice the strong interaction outside the atom is that the transporter particle of that force cannot create a bridge or superstring through the quantum field. The transportation particle of the strong interaction must have the opponent, which has the same size as quarks. 

The core of the protons and neutrons, what is the quantum fields cannot interact, because they cut the superstring or the size of the impact point is so small, that protons and neutrons are not interacting. So as I wrote at the beginning of the text, the reason, why the other forces than gravity cannot interact is that the frequency of the wave movement of the transportation particles is so different, that the atoms are not finding the frequency, what makes them interact. 






Friday, March 19, 2021

Theories of Relativity and the time dilation


Image I

Theories of Relativity and the time dilation

When we are trying to observe the Theories of Relativity, we might say that the names of those brilliant theories should probably be the opposite. Theory of General Relativity should be Theory of Special Relativity because that theory handles things like black holes and some other extreme conditions.

And Theory of Special relativity is handling things that are happening in the so-called "straight universe". The reason, why I think about that is that the Theory of General Relativity made after there were differences between theoretical and real trajectories of planet Mercury. And that is the reason, why we should think about that thing more carefully.

Why the names of those theories are that way? And where Einstein got the value of c, the speed of light. Did he use the 300 000 000 m/s or the value 299 792 458 m/s? 


Image II


The time dilation

The image above this part of the text introducing the situation where one particle is moving and another is stable. The same image could be used as a part of string theory. The superstring would be the thin wormhole or energy channel through the universe. Or they can be just the wave movement. And the electrons or some other particles can orbit that superstring.

Do you know that time dilation means that time travels slower on electrons than protons? The reason is that the electrons are moving around the proton.

The image above introduces a situation, where the particles are related to each other.  So on the particle that is stable, the time moves faster than on the particle that is orbiting it. And if this would be the model of the hydrogen atom, time moves faster on the proton than the electron. The speed of an electron makes the time dilation true.

But the fact is that even the stable objects are moving. They are not moving in the place. They are moving in time. The thing is that the electron needs energy for keeping itself orbiting. And the energy for the electron will get from the nucleus of atoms.

If we can see the atoms with very high accuracy we could see the shower of wave movement coming from the point, where the electron is orbiting the nucleus. That thing would pump the energy out from the atom. When the energy in the atom ends, that thing makes the end of the existence of the atom, and finally, even protons are turning to wave movement.

So sooner or later the energy will end in the nucleus of the atoms, and even protons are destroyed, which means that the force, that keeps quarks in the proton is turning too weak. And the quarks are released from the proton because the energy cannot come from emptiness.

The aging of particles means that the forces, that are keeping them in the form are lost or they are pumped to somewhere else in the form of electromagnetic wave movement. So what is the time dilation? One version of the explanation of that is that the time dilation is the longer existence of material. 

Image I: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation

Image II: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation

The quantum computer and beyond


Image I

The quantum computer and beyond

Quantum computing is advancing at extremely high speed, and almost every day, there would be more and more advantages. The thing is that number of qubits is limitless because each frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum can transmit data independently. Quantum annealing is giving new opportunities for the quantum computer. And the idea of quantum annealing is simple.

If the qubits are starting to shine, and we can adjust that shining, we can make the quantum computer, which is forming of holograms. If a quantum computer would form by photons, the data would travel between the photons, which is forming the entirety in the form of the electromagnetic wave movement.

The quantum computer is like the voltmeter, where a certain level of voltage would mean a certain qubit or level of the qubit. The model of quantum annealing is like in the lamps, where its brightness is adjustable. The level of brightness of those lamps is the level of a certain qubit. In that system, the voltage meter has been replaced by the photovoltaic cell, which is metering the level of brightness of that qubit.

So the candela-level would make the level of the qubit, and by using the quantum annealing the system would have millions of qubits in use. And that thing makes quantum computers extremely powerful systems. If the quantum computer can use the entire electromagnetic spectrum for transmitting data, that thing would give billions of qubits.

Quantum annealing makes it possible to create the quantum computer, which is installing in the human brains inside the neurons.

Quantum annealing can be made by using the LED-lights. So in some visions, there is the possibility that in the human brains and the neurons can put the quantum annealing system.

That kind of quantum computer can put in the neurons, and the system can transmit data between those nano-LEDs by using some kind of electromagnetic radiation. And that quantum computer can operate as the part of the nervous system, by taking the electricity from the neural electricity. 

Image II

The Lorentz strange attractor (Lorentz butterfly)

But would there be even more powerful systems than a quantum computer?

What if we would just stop time inside the computer? Or what if we can put the computer in the time machine, and then give the mission to the system? Then it would make the calculations and run the algorithm. When the system has solved the answer, the time machine would bring the computer to a minute ahead of the time, when the time machine is left. That thing would make it possible to solve problems that are taking even millenniums in one minute.

"T"-computer would be the most powerful system, whatever created. In that system, the time would be dilated, and the slowing time makes it possible that the system has more time to make the calculations. One of the versions of that computer is the computer, what is in the chamber, what is equipped with two rolls, what are rotating with the speed of light, and that thing would stop the time in it. And of course, the data satellite or computer can put in "Tipler cylinder". The fast rotating cylinder makes the time dilate inside it, and the computer can work extremely fast.

The computing model of Lorenz-butterfly (Butterfly effect) is the model where the data travels between two computing systems. In the middle of that model could be the hub, which can be the black hole. The butterfly model can operate through time and dimension. And that thing would make the system more powerful than every single quantum computer can even be. But one of the most fascinating ideas how the quantum computer can turn even more powerful is to use the model, where data travels through the system to the wormhole, which takes it back to the past. So the data travels from the past to modern time.



Image I: https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence

Image II: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attractor




Three new lifeforms are found on the space station



Three new lifeforms are found on the space station

Three new bacteria-species are found on the ISS-space station. And that thing is really interesting. The new bacteria are showing that many species on Earth are unknown for science. But they are also forcing us to see that there is the possibility that the evolution in isolated places like space stations might be faster than we know. Bacteria are the tiniest lifeforms on Earth, and they can change genomes over the border of species and populations. So that means the bacteria is changing its form in a very fast period.

Those new bacteria, that are found on ISS can give very much data, which can benefit in the modeling of the forming the antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The conditions in space are hostile for lifeforms, and one of the most dominating effects in space is cosmic radiation. That thing would make the bacteria-population resistant to radiation because only the members of the population, who can resist the cosmic radiation can survive. Evolution is one of the most interesting areas for research.

The super-bacteria that can resist antibiotics are unable to fight against other bacteria. The hospital bacteria can resist the antibiotics, but they cannot resist the enzymes of other bacteria. The chancing of genomes happens sometimes when bacteria are eating each other.

Places like ISS and satellites are interesting places, where the nutrient and chemical environment can control, and the remote-controlled laboratories in unmanned satellites are making it possible to make those tests safe. Testing bacteria in manned space station can cause infections for onboard people if those bacteria would touch the persons, who are working with that thing.


Image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Space_Station

The futuristic visions of the genetic experiments and the living organisms

The researchers can make the neurocomputer, what they can send to the orbiting trajectory. The neurocomputer can be a three-layer box, where are the neurons, that are communicating with the computer by using the EEG, and that thing will make it possible to create a copy of human brains for the satellite. The system consists of three parts, which are acting similarly to the human brain. When the system would make the decision, it can deliver it to the receiver through the internet.

There are tales about "Solar Warden", and believe that thing only the "study project", where researchers are analyzing the possibility to create the new type of computers and space environments. If we are thinking of the "solar warded" as the satellite, what purpose working as the "thinker" for some people, we can think that the system is formed by three layers of the neurons, what is feed by some kind of nutrient. Those neurons are forming the artificial brains for the satellite, and that thing would make it possible to create the robot-neuron hybrid.

When we are thinking about the robots, which are controlled by living neurons, we are forgetting that we already use those systems in remote-control robots. We can remote-control things like RPV-drones by using joystick and radio-communication. So what if we would connect those drones to our brains. The technology allows that the EEG can use to control the vehicles. We can create the things like coned neurons and put them on the layer, where they can act like the human brain.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

How to cross the speed of light?


Image: Pinterest

Kugelblitz: the cosmic street roller.

In one version the theoretical "Kugelblitz"-system is the black hole, that is formed inside the spacecraft. And that thing would make it possible to travel with the speed, which is higher than the speed of light. But there is one more conventional version that is making the same thing possible at least in theory. The power that thing needs is enormous anyway, and this is the thing, that makes the craft possible.

The "Kugelblitz": The rotating cylinder in the front of the vehicle would make it possible to cross the speed of light. The craft would accelerate as possible at the speed of light as it can, and then the rolls would start to rotate. That means the outer layer of the cylinder would cross the magic cosmic speed limit.

Above this text is an image from the movie Tron (1980's version). The thing in this movie is that if the craft has this kind of structure, it could cross the speed of light. The structure of this fictional thing is the thing, that is called "Kugelblitz". The idea is that there is a craft, that can accelerate close to the speed of light would put the cylinder rotate at the front of it. That would mean that the outer layer of the cylinder would cross the magic cosmic speed limit.

And the thing is that the "Kugelblitz" could be possible if the rotating cylinder would pull in form by using magnets. That thing would make those cylinders able to rotate with extremely high speed. And that kind of cylinders would make the craft possible to travel in time if they are connected to the stable platform. So the same thing that allows the system to cross the speed of light would make time travel possible.

The question is was Einstein wrong about the speed of light? The fact is that he was and was not wrong. The truth is that the dimension of the electromagnetic field can move opposite to the craft, and in this case, the impact speed is faster than light. So that is the way, how the stargate would work. It just creates the point, where the speed of light is lower than in normal space, and then the object will drive in that point with the speed of light.

The phenomenon is possible at the water pool, where the blue shine that is called Cherenkov radiation is the result of the blue light shockwave when the speed of particle would drop from the light speed in air to the speed of light in water. And during that slowing, the particle must transfer the energy to the medium.

Also, neutrino detectors are observing blue flashes, when the speed of particles will decrease. So that means crossing the speed of light is possible in some circumstances.

One of the versions is that the craft would ride with a gravity wave, which means it would have the possibility to make the dream faster than the speed of light possible. The magnetic ring that can be connected to the craft can pull the particles to it.

The thing that is called warping is quite easy. The system must only create the wave in the space, where the craft would make the point, where the edge of it would cross the speed of light. One version is to put the edge of the craft rotating with very fast speed when the craft is closing the speed of light.

So that means the speed of light would be crossed that way. The idea is simplified in the "Kugelblitz"-system. There is a wheel in the spacecraft, and then the craft would accelerate to close of the speed of light, and then that wheel would turn to rotate. This would make the spacecraft the ability to cross the speed of light.




Thoughts about numbers


Image: Pinterest



Does some number meaning, what we don't know? Or is there numbers, that are thought more common than some other numbers? And do those things have meaning in the things like elections? When we are thinking about things like numbers, we might realize that there are numbers that are more common in the mind than some other numbers. Those numbers are the numbers 6 or 7, what is the age, when we begin the school. 

Of course, numbers 1,2, and 3 and the combinations of those numbers are things, that are causing more thoughts than other numbers. And the number 9 with number 6, and especially number 69 are the things, that might be in the mind more commonly than some numbers like four. The number 9 is the last single number in the number line. And the number 10 is the maximum grade, which can be given to the exams. And of course, numbers, what is involving the access to buy alcohol or the full-age have the meaning in the mind of people. 

Numbers can contain codes. Or they might have special meaning for some person. 

When we are thinking about number thematics there seems to be no sense. But then we might realize that some numbers have more involvement in human life than others.  Number 12 is the number, that contains the age when the person would go to secondary school. Number 65 contains the age when we are moving to secondary school, and that thing has meaning to us. So if something has some kind of meaning to us, we would think about those things more often, say psychologists. 

Things like the number of the first address or the age, when grandparents died are the thing, what has meaning to us. Also, we can teach people to think about a certain number. When the person would draw the number, what we told to draw, that person would get candy, and if the numbers are wrong in our point of the way, we can leave that person without the gift, which means that the person would be oriented to draw certain numbers. 

And of course, the number can have the purpose to work as code. So as an example, number 12 can mean a certain action, like an attack to a certain point at the front of the war. Or the same thing can mean that the person is threatened. So there are many things, what the numbers can mean in real life. 

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