Saturday, December 29, 2018

It's the end of the rainbow

It's the end of the rainbow

Kimmo Huosionmaa

My dear readers, I have almost forgotten to write in these sites of the Blogger, and the reason is, that sometimes it's time to renew. I know that this might be feel or hear something, what I have written earlier. The blogger is a good platform and I would ever leave it. I have many feelings about this platform, and one is, that I published my first blog writing in here sometimes around ten years ago.

That writing was caused very positive feedback, and I started to write things first once in the month, but then more often. There are many people, who don't like this kind of texts, but then I must say, that I don't either like every persons or text, what I see, and maybe somebody is interested about this way of seeing the things. I have also right to dislike some person or texts.

First I was hiding my name for some reasons, what are only in my knowledge. But then I got more courage because of the positive feedback, what I got from my friends and other people. And I really believe that writings can change the world. The pen is the more powerful weapon than any gun, and this is the thing, what I learned from some book, what handled propaganda. The words are making motive to defend own ideology, and thoughts.

There have been happened many things after that, and the Blogger is not the only blog service in the world.  Here I mean, that sometimes it' very interesting to start with a new platform, as I have written many times before. And there is one thing, the new platform is not connected to one browser, so that is easier to handle. But don't worry I will sometimes continue to write also in here.

Of course, there is the possibility, that I will someday return to write texts here, but now "when inspiration strikes" the thing, what you might know is the primary area for my texts. But as you see, that there is the possibility, that I will someday return, and while waiting for that day, you might find my writings from the blogs, what are linked below the text. So see you there, and sometimes I will say, that may be in some day, I will start to write here again. And actually, if I would not update here something for a while, you might see my other blogs, what are linked to below the text.

There is one thing about publishing. Sometimes somebody doesn't like texts, what is written, and the thing is, that person who writes blogs cannot use only one service. There is always the possibility, that somebody would get angry about this kind of writings, and then the blog might face the censorship, what means that it can be denied, or getting to that work space might be make harder. And this is the thing, why sometimes must person change the platform, where the texts have been published.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The network would tell lots of things of us

The network would tell lots of things of us

Kimmo Huosionmaa

This text has been published at all my social media platforms. The thing about networks is that the entire business life bases in those things, what are creating in the social life and today the social media is one version of social life. The thing in social media is that everybody can see the social network of other people, and make contact also with the persons, who are mates with some Facebook- etc. fellow. This thing makes social media a very dangerous and effective tool for mapping the social relationship of some other person.

Even if the main character will be careful, the henchmen would not always be so careful, as they should, that means that the vital information can be leaked, and one is that the person tells lies about the relationship between some person. If that person tells, that somebody is only "the guy from the net", would that make the things very interesting, if they are all the time portraying together in some fishing trips.

The social media can be used for tracking the friends of some business partner, and the way they talk together gives information about the type of relationship with those people. If there would be many askings for taking a beer after the working life, that would mean, that those persons have not only the professional relationship. Or they have much to talk together. That will tell the professional profilers that this person has something to hide from the employer.

Here we are facing the thing, what would happen with some persons, who are not thought about things like fake news and faked profiles. They cannot notice, that some persons can follow them by using very nasty things like GPS-tracking. This tracking device could be the telephone, what is given by the company. The telephone account allows tracking the telephone at any time, and that tracking can be used to find the dropped or stolen telephone, but it can also be used for monitoring the employees.

The trick would be that the boss is calling to the henchman, that where he or she is and uses the tracking device at the same time. If the henchman gives the wrong location, will that tell to the boss, that henchman hides something, and he could call even the private-investigator to monitor those people, and also the mobile telephone can put in the cars of the company. The tracker can use things like the Samsung- or Google account to track the telephones, by using "Find the Device"-application

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Could active carbon bring the solution to climate changing?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Some ideas seem like they are made by maniacs, but one idea came in my mind, and that idea is stopping the climate changing, by covering large areas of the surface of the Earth with carbon plates, where are tubes under them. That allows that the gas or in this case air would go through the carbon layer, and that would separate carbon from the oxygen, and that would remove the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

That carbon-filter system is made actually for the colonization of the planet Venus. In some theoretical plans large areas of the surface of planet Venus would be covered by casks, what are covered with canvas, where is a carbon layer. This carbon cleaner would help the micro-organisms work when they are cleaning the hostile atmosphere of that planet.

 In that hypothetical plan the carbon would get from the vegetables, what are grown in the Venus, for this cleaning operation, and if those vegetables are burned, the carbon could salvage, and then used for covering layer of asbestos canvas, what would be used for filters, what would increase the speed of removing the carbon from the atmosphere of that planet.  Those organisms can plant in the airships, what are created for HAVOC-program, what is a plan for creating the cloud city over the clouds of Venus.

Those organisms, what would be used in this operation, if it someday would be done will be single cell algae and the archaebacterium, what is found near the volcanic holes on Earth. And of course, if the carbon bites would be loaded with electricity, the iron atoms would be connected with them, and the magnetic field would move them into the atmosphere of Venus. if this works in Venus, would this kind of operation be made in the Earth, and it could be removed the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Sometimes there have been ideas, that the massive cloud of the small size carbon dust would be released to the atmosphere, and if those dust bites would equip with the iron atom, would their position control by using magnet-field. This makes that carbon cloud works like a giant broom. This system could be used for cleaning the atmosphere. And of course, electromagnetic radiation or sound, what causes resonance in the carbon dioxide or monoxide molecules could break the connection with oxygen and carbon atom. This can also help to remove carbon from the atmosphere of Venus, and that electromagnetic radiation can be given from Earth by using powerful lasers or radio telescopes. The same system can be used for cleaning the atmosphere of the earth.

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