"Artist’s impression of ASKAP J1839-0756. Credit: James Josephides" (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Radio Pulses Hint at a Strange Cosmic Object That Shouldn’t Exist)
"A cosmic enigma, ASKAP J1839-0756, a slow-spinning neutron star discovered using the ASKAP radio telescope, is challenging the conventional understanding of pulsars." (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Radio Pulses Hint at a Strange Cosmic Object That Shouldn’t Exist)
That mysterious object can help to find the answer to the question: can the slowly rotating neutron star have a strong magnetic field? And can plasma whirl around white dwarfs create a so-called weak pulsar effect? If that is true, some long-distance pulsars might be closer. Then we expected.
In neutron stars, there are only neutrons. The material disk around those objects denies the energy transfer out from the structure. That outside plasma keeps neutron stars in their form. The pulsars or fast-rotating neutron stars are slowing all the time. The reason for that is that whenever a neutron star sends radiation. It sends a little bit of its material from it. The expansion of the universe causes a situation. That neutron's shape changes all the time.
That lets quantum fields fall between neutrons in that structure. Those fields pump energy out from the neutron star. In magnetar, the neutron star's shell rotates faster- or opposite direction, than its core. Magnetars are very lightweight neutron stars that have the most powerful magnetic fields in the universe.
The plasma that forms a magnetic field is similar to the magnetic field that forms a ring system around the dwarf planet Quaoar causing suspicion that sometimes the effect behind the weak pulsars is the white dwarf that plasma forms a similar magnetic field as plasma whirl forms around dwarf planet Quaoar. It's possible. The Quaoar's magnetic field forms in a similar way as the heavy neutron star's magnetic field. And that same effect can form a weak pulsar effect around white dwarfs. If that is true the "distant pulsar" can form in plasma whirling around a white dwarf that is closer than we believed.
Artist impression of Quaoar's rings. Credit: Paris Observatory (Phys.org)
Massive black holes are tight neutron- or quark neutron structures. That means those neutron stars rotate in their entirety. The magnetic field around those objects forms in the plasma interaction. Their fast-rotating plasma acts like a generator. Because plasma can act as a generator there is the possibility that white dwarfs can form quite a strong magnetic field around them. That magnetic field is weaker than neutron stars but stronger than regular stars. That causes suspicion that some weak pulsars form around white dwarfs.
Neutron stars are less massive objects than black holes. That means they pull less material into them than black holes. Unlike black holes neutron stars are not pulling the entire energy that they get from their plasma into them. In neutron stars, all neutrons are in the same direction. That forms the polar structure with a powerful magnetic field. The spinning neutron sends an energy beam from its spin axle. That energy beam stretches the neutron's form. And that leaves small holes between neutrons. Energy from neutrons falls into those holes and causes neutron star quakes.
And those quantum fields make energy travel out from neutron stars. The thing is that time on those dense and massive objects is dilated. But because escaping velocity is lower than the speed of light. That means the neutron star always gets a lower energy load than it releases. So the neutron star vaporizes the same way as the black holes. But their material ring cannot send as much energy into them as black hole's material disks.