Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The new observations about pulsars help us to understand those structures.

"Artist’s impression of ASKAP J1839-0756. Credit: James Josephides" (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Radio Pulses Hint at a Strange Cosmic Object That Shouldn’t Exist)

"A cosmic enigma, ASKAP J1839-0756, a slow-spinning neutron star discovered using the ASKAP radio telescope, is challenging the conventional understanding of pulsars."  (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Radio Pulses Hint at a Strange Cosmic Object That Shouldn’t Exist)

That mysterious object can help to find the answer to the question: can the slowly rotating neutron star have a strong magnetic field? And can plasma whirl around white dwarfs create a so-called weak pulsar effect? If that is true, some long-distance pulsars might be closer. Then we expected. 

In neutron stars, there are only neutrons. The material disk around those objects denies the energy transfer out from the structure. That outside plasma keeps neutron stars in their form. The pulsars or fast-rotating neutron stars are slowing all the time. The reason for that is that whenever a neutron star sends radiation. It sends a little bit of its material from it. The expansion of the universe causes a situation. That neutron's shape changes all the time. 

That lets quantum fields fall between neutrons in that structure. Those fields pump energy out from the neutron star. In magnetar, the neutron star's shell rotates faster- or opposite direction, than its core. Magnetars are very lightweight neutron stars that have the most powerful magnetic fields in the universe. 

The plasma that forms a magnetic field is similar to the magnetic field that forms a ring system around the dwarf planet Quaoar causing suspicion that sometimes the effect behind the weak pulsars is the white dwarf that plasma forms a similar magnetic field as plasma whirl forms around dwarf planet Quaoar. It's possible. The Quaoar's magnetic field forms in a similar way as the heavy neutron star's magnetic field. And that same effect can form a weak pulsar effect around white dwarfs. If that is true the "distant pulsar" can form in plasma whirling around a white dwarf that is closer than we believed. 

Artist impression of Quaoar's rings. Credit: Paris Observatory (Phys.org)

Massive black holes are tight neutron- or quark neutron structures. That means those neutron stars rotate in their entirety. The magnetic field around those objects forms in the plasma interaction. Their fast-rotating plasma acts like a generator. Because plasma can act as a generator there is the possibility that white dwarfs can form quite a strong magnetic field around them. That magnetic field is weaker than neutron stars but stronger than regular stars. That causes suspicion that some weak pulsars form around white dwarfs. 

Neutron stars are less massive objects than black holes. That means they pull less material into them than black holes. Unlike black holes neutron stars are not pulling the entire energy that they get from their plasma into them. In neutron stars, all neutrons are in the same direction. That forms the polar structure with a powerful magnetic field. The spinning neutron sends an energy beam from its spin axle. That energy beam stretches the neutron's form. And that leaves small holes between neutrons. Energy from neutrons falls into those holes and causes neutron star quakes. 

And those quantum fields make energy travel out from neutron stars. The thing is that time on those dense and massive objects is dilated. But because escaping velocity is lower than the speed of light. That means the neutron star always gets a lower energy load than it releases. So the neutron star vaporizes the same way as the black holes. But their material ring cannot send as much energy into them as black hole's material disks.





Sunday, March 23, 2025

New supermaterials are game-changers.

"A section of the atomic structure of a cadmium selenide nanoparticle (left) with an incorporated foreign mercury atom; and an artistic representation of a highly magnified nanoplatelet with mercury defects at its active corners (right). Credit: B. Schröder/HZDR" (ScitechDaily, What Happens When You Swap Atoms? A Nanotech Revolution Begins)

Nanotechnology is the game changer. An ability to swap atoms precisely in the structure opens new tools for material technology and medical systems. Intelligent proteins that store their movement series and then make those movements backward make it possible to create nano-size robots that can go into individual cells. The knowledge of the weak force makes it possible to create things like materials that can repair themselves. The ability to connect memristors in the structure allows create of intelligent structures. 

The atom swapping and ability to affect the atom's ionization is useful in the layers like blades. 

That should remove things with very high accuracy. The idea is that the edge of the blade is made of ions. When the blade hits something electrons fall to fill those holes. 

And that makes the energy impulse to that edge. Nanotechnology requires the ability to create impressive things. 

Like nano-structures that conduct energy only in one direction. The idea is that the energy can move only one way if there are so-called energy stairs away from the energy hilltop. If the energy that travels from the hilltop is very powerful it transports those stading waves away.  But then energy must slide over those particles. If that does not happen that energy pulls those particles with it. 

"A new kind of memristor mimics how the brain learns by combining analog and digital behavior, offering a promising solution to the problem of AI “catastrophic forgetting.” (ScitechDaily, A new kind of memristor mimics how the brain learns by combining analog and digital behavior, offering a promising solution to the problem of AI “catastrophic forgetting".)

This makes it possible to connect computers and material structures to intelligent materials. And install data handling capacity into other materials.  

Supermaterials are things that can conduct impact energy out from structure very fast. If we think about saucer-shaped structures that edge is at a very low energy level and something hits the middle of that structure. That thing allows structure to conduct the energy out of it.

When we think about things like energy-absorbing materials there is the possibility to make materials that tie all energy in it's structures. But the next problem is that. If the energy level rises too high in the structure forms standing waves that push its particles away. And breaks the structure. If the system can remove or suck those standing waves away it will stand against almost all possible temperatures. 

The thing that destroys material is the standing wave that forms between its particles. The standing wave forms when material releases its energy. So the thing that destroys structure is not the heat or energy. The thing that destroys material is the end of the energy pump. When the energy pump ends particles in the structure release their extra energy. And that energy forms those fatal standing waves. But if the system can suck those standing waves out. That makes the structure stand. 

In some possible way to handle temperature is the thermal pump that transfers energy binder through the materials. The system can use things like airflow, electron flow, or laser beams that travel in the material. Those things will transport energy out from the material. 

It is also possible to create a structure that creates a standing wave or infrared wall that denies heat or IR radiation travel through that wall of coherent IR radiation. The long wires can move in and out of the material like a conveyor belt. It takes energy with it. And transports it to medium. 

"Artistic visualization of a crystalline rod made of the semimetal ZrTe5. There is a heat gradient from one end to the other. In its center, giant oscillations in its heat conduction are toggled by the magnetic field, which is generated by the electromagnet below. Credit: B. Schröder/HZDR" (ScitechDaily, A Quantum Metal Just Changed What We Know About Heat)

Schrodinger's cat state in the material makes it possible to create the nano-size diodes. In that state where the material is hot and cold at the same time energy travels in one direction. Those diodes can revolutionize the superconducting technology. 

The Schrödinger's state in material research. 

We can say that Schrödinger's state in material is that. That material is hot and cold at the same time. The heat travels to the cold part. That allows the material to stand against ultimate temperatures. We can describe Scrödinger's state in material by using a space probe as an example. If the space probe goes near the sun it melts because of the heat. But if the probe has a place where it can put that thermal energy. 

Theoretically, it can travel inside the Sun. The answer to the heat problem could be the extremely long wire that can transfer heat energy out from the probe. But there is another way to make the energy dump. That dump requires nano- or quantum balls that store energy inside them. So the system transforms thermal energy into kinetic energy. 

The new quantum materials are revolutionizing our way of understanding things like heat. The new types of quantum materials can create an energy flow that transports heat out of the system. That phenomenon is possible in the ultra-cold systems. But maybe that research brings us new products. 






Saturday, March 15, 2025

Galaxies still collide.

The expansion of the universe doesn't mean that galaxies cannot collide. There are at least two galaxies. That is coming to the Milky Way. The Large Magellanic Cloud will impact the Milky Way in 2,4 billion years. And Andromeda galaxy collides with the Milky Way after 4,4 billion years. 

That thing means that there are two versions of the universe. The thing is that the galaxies in the local clusters turn into one entirety. And then. Galaxies in superclusters turn into one entirety. Because their mutual gravity wins dark energy.

There are two geometries in the universe. Local and global geometry. Local geometry is the thing. That we see in large galaxy clusters. 

Global geometry means. The universe's geometry as an entirety. 

The fact is that in local geometry gravity always wins. But on a global scale, the dark energy wins. The large-scale models show that the universe expands. However, the small-scale model can be different. And in small-scale models the galaxies in local galaxy clusters or groups will come together. In local galaxy clusters, the internal gravity of those clusters wins the expansion and that causes the galaxies will collide. All galaxies pull material from around them. 

That increases their mass. And expands the galaxy's gravity field.  When galaxies collide. That new structure's mass is the same as both galaxies' mass. 

That increases the size of the gravity field or gravity pool. Gravity is interaction and the same way distant galaxies pull the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies to them, as Milky Way and Andromeda pull those galaxies to our direction. 

Material is not homogenously spread all over the universe. Things like the cosmic web make modeling those kinds of systems very difficult. 

There are interactions between galaxies, galaxy clusters, and globular clusters. And the fields in those cosmic web structures. The gravity effect forms those complicated structures in the universe. Gravity is the strongest interaction at long distances. 

But that is not the only interaction in the universe. There are other interactions like electromagnetism. Those interactions are losing to gravity. But they have effects in short distances.  

That means that things like gravitational effects are not the same everywhere. Galaxies are in clusters. Those clusters are like bubbles. 

In those bubbles, there are local clusters. And superclusters, groups of local clusters. The mutual gravity in those clusters pulls galaxies together. 

Those bubbles form galaxy clusters. In galaxy clusters, the internal gravity of those structures pulls their galaxies together. First, the local clusters melt into large galaxies. And finally, those superclusters melt into single giant galaxies. The thing that the universe's expansion and the decrease of the energy level causes is that. Entropy in the system rises. That causes two effects. 

First, the entropy disturbs information more than in the young universe. But. Otherwise the energy levels in those fields are lower. That means the gravity pools around the galaxies turn larger. The gravitational fields affect a longer distance because there are not so powerful disturbing fields. The gravity centers are larger but the space between those large galaxies will be cold and dark. 

The energy level difference in and outside those galaxies is higher than it is in the modern universe. That causes situations where material in galaxies vaporizes more than in the modern universe. Galaxies send radiation stronger than in the modern universe. But there is less material and radiation between galaxies. 

That tells that there was some kind of turbulence. Or something that was denied. The material spread homogeneously over the universe.  There were some kind of gravity centers. That could be primordial black holes. That started the form of those galactic clusters. 





Friday, March 14, 2025

Can black holes be portals to other universes?

"A wormhole visualized as a two-dimensional surface. Route (a) is the shortest path through normal space between points 1 and 2; route (b) is a shorter path through a wormhole." (Wikipedia, Wormhole)

This is an interesting idea. That requires the existence of other universes. And proving that. Will prove multiverse existence. But before that, we can only make theories of black holes, white holes, and wormholes. 

The black hole is full of mysteries. The structure is pure gravity. And because escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. That means time should travel back in that structure. A black hole pulls material inside it. 

Then our knowledge of that thing ends, and we must start to make theories and mathematical models for that phenomenon that is more complicated than nobody knew. 

The extreme density. And extremely powerful gravity field makes the situation that even small differences between those distances affect that structure with enormous power. 

The information will never vanish. And the black hole pulls information inside it. The information exists but is it broken into pieces that will not turn back in one piece? The thing is that if the wormhole exists that structure can be the key to interstellar travel and maybe to dark matter and even dark energy. 

The wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge forms when the black hole's ultimate dense material touches the fields or superstrings that travel through that structure at the point in spacetime when the black hole forms. The supernova pushes those particles and superstrings into a very dense form. And that very dense form called singularity takes the touch with those fields and then turns them into the rope- or tornado-shape structure. 

There is a theory that this wormhole takes energy and material out of the black hole. The idea is that the black hole's relativistic jet forms around the wormhole. The wormhole is the whirl, or internal whirl in the quantum fields. There is the possibility that the wormhole is an internal quantum whirl that explains its hypothetical abilities. 

So we can think that the wormhole and some of the black hole's abilities form in the whirl-shape structure that surrounds the channel. That energy, or quantum whirl interacts with its environment like a Tipler cylinder. That means the thing that goes in the wormhole goes to the time trip. 

The black hole is like a Tipler cylinder itself. That structure transports energy and information to the point, where black holes form. When we think about the hypothetical wormhole and its rope-shaped form where all energy tornadoes are separated that means this. When energy travels through the wormhole it is like a light cable and a series of optic fibers. 

When energy travels through those quantum tornadoes it raises energy levels in fields around it. That energy pushes those strings away from each other because when the energy level in the fields rises it pushes those fields in the middle of those strings. 

And that forms entropy. The other thing is that. Entropy is also formed when a black hole travels in time. When the universe expands that means black holes always turn smaller. And pulls smaller masses of information into it. That causes them to turn into energy. Or they send energy waves. 

The black hole loses all the time its mass. And that makes it look like a cone if we see that route in time. The mass of information that the structure gets decreases. That causes the point that pulls information into it to always turn smaller. So it's like a funnel that is upside down. That makes space and entropy in a black hole. And the black hole itself is the wormhole that transports information back in time. 

The question is this: does the wormhole have a coherent, or non-coherent structure? 

There is the possibility that the wormhole is like a rope. The structure that is is formed of millions or even billions of small strings. Those strings are the quantum tornadoes that close energy and time inside them. 

If the wormhole is multiple internal energy tornadoes. So can this kind of structure transmit information through them? That thing depends on harmony. The requirement that information can travel through those wormholes is that there is not too much entropy. If the distance between those energy tornadoes is too long, information is destroyed. 

If the speed of information is the same and information travels through those quantum tornadoes in the same direction. That allows this structure to transport information. And keep it in the same form.  But if the information travels in two directions that thing breaks the form of the information. 

The thing is that the wormhole is an interesting phenomenon. And our knowledge of black holes grows all the time. We know electromagnetic and acoustic wormholes. So why the ultimate gravitational wormhole cannot be possible?







Thursday, March 13, 2025

Microchips and neural implants are the next step in human-machine singularity.

"UC San Francisco researchers enabled a paralyzed man to control a robotic arm using a brain-computer interface (BCI) that functioned for a record seven months. The AI-powered system adapted to daily brain activity shifts, allowing him to pick up objects and perform tasks with increasing precision. Credit: Noah Berger" (ScitechDaily, Not Science Fiction: Paralyzed Man Controls Robotic Arm Using Only His Thoughts)

What if we can control dreams and make fake memories? Fake memories can serve good or bad. Fake memory can make it possible to learn things faster and more effectively than ever before. Basically, all skills that people have are based on memories. The robot external bodies that allow people to control robots from another side of the Earth are tools that allow them to research in jungles without leaving office. 

The robot that can be controlled by satellites can operate in very dangerous places without risking human lives. The brain-computer interface BCI makes it possible to transmit all data that the robot's sensors or artificial senses collect from their environment to the operator. 

The new step in robotics is the brain-computer-interface BCI-controlled robots. Those systems are called BCI/BMI (Brain-Computer Interface/ Brain Machine Interface) Those robots are physically extended BCI-and large language model, LLM combinations. A couple of years ago, a paralyzed person got a neuro-implanted microchip that allowed that man to communicate with computers. 

That allowed that person to communicate with the computer and play computer games. The next step is the tool that allows the person to use a robotic arm through the computer using thoughts. 

The BCI systems. Along with VR sets or systems that stimulate the visual center. The BCI/BMI allows the user to operate robots like external bodies. 

That kind of system makes it possible to create robots that help paralyzed people in their everyday lives. The system can control things like HULC-style exoskeletons. That means if that kind of person wants to go out.  The robot wears an exoskeleton to that person. And then that system can move the person out to sunlight. 

The system can cooperate with the large language model, LLM. And when a person says things like location and where to go, that robot body can transport the person to that point. 

But the same systems can control things like man-shaped robots. Those robots can turn battlefields into things that nobody has seen before. Those systems can also work in rescue missions in high-danger situations. The route of the BCI/BMI goes to levels that we cannot even imagine. 

The BCI systems can control any vehicle in the world. So, the next-generation tools that people might have are aircraft, drone swarms, and robots that the brain waves can control. This kind of technology opens new paths to surgery, engineering, and almost everything that we can imagine. The body allows people to travel in space without any spaceflight training. 


The future AI cognition mimics humans.

The AI can have a physical body. The robot body communicates with supercomputers. And it makes them more flexibility. 

AI learns the same way as humans. The learning process and its power depend on the diversity of the information. AI requires versatile information from multiple sources. And when we think about AI. And its ability to learn things. 

We must think about it. Why and where we learn. We can try everything ourselves. But there is another way. We can network with other people who do similar things. And then we can share our experiences and thoughts with other people in that network. 

We might have a good education. But we go to learning meetings. We learn from other people's experiences. Sharing information makes networks effective tools to learn things. In that model, the single actor must not make and know everything. 

When we talk with other people we can expand our view of things. We get more ideas when we meet other people and share our thoughts. 

We can work with those ideas. And mix them with our environment. That thing extends our corridors and predisposes us to new information. Information plays a vital role in the learning process. If some actor in the network, which can be human or some server faces something. That thing can be shared with another network. If the server is under network attack the system can collect all data from that event into its memories. Then it can share that data all over the network. And other actors can mimic that server to defend themselves against similar attacks. 

Similar way. AI should talk about other things. If the AI is just a language model. It has limited ways to learn things. Mainly large language model learns in a verbal way. And that is a very limited way. It's easy to write things to LLM and order it to do something when something happens. This can be enough in cases where the AI should detect and defend against network attacks. 

In second image is the vision of a robot that operates in the Kuiper Belt. Those robots can have quantum computer brains. The Kuiper Belt is a good place for compact quantum computers. 

That program creates a reflex to the system. When something happens that system reacts like it is programmed. Think about a case in which you should explain everything using words. That thing is possible. But it's more limited than if the AI can use images or films in the learning process. 

That means the AI can learn things from the homepages. And maybe from surveillance cameras. But if the AI has a physical form like a robot that interacts with a server, that runs the AI that extends its ability to learn things. The AI learns things visually. By connecting certain images or things with certain actions. That is a more versatile and easier way to teach things to AI. The physical body that communicates with the server can be discussed with people. 

The robot body can keep in contact with the LLM. The system can operate remotely. The LLM works in servers or in morphing neural networks. Those servers can be in the bunker. Or the system can use non-centralized computing. That means the system can share responsibilities all around the robot groups. The system just connects robots computers into entireties. 

In some futuristic visions, humans will fly to the Kuiper Belt to make quantum computers in that cold and stable environment. In the Kuiper Belt, every metal is in superconducting condition. So that means even human-size robots can have quantum brains. That gives them extremely powerful computing capacity. The low temperature with a static environment makes the Kuiper Belt a promising place to make quantum computers. 


Astronomers found Bernard star's planets after a 100-year hunt.

"For a century, astronomers have been studying Barnard’s Star in the hope of finding planets around it. First discovered by E. E. Barnard at Yerkes Observatory in 1916, it is the nearest single star system to Earth. Now, using in part the Gemini North telescope, one half of the International Gemini Observatory, partly funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and operated by NSF NOIRLab, astronomers have discovered four sub-Earth exoplanets orbiting the star. " (ScitechDaily, After 100 Years of Searching, Astronomers Confirm Four Planets at Barnard’s Star)

"One of the planets is the least massive exoplanet ever discovered using the radial velocity technique, indicating a new benchmark for discovering smaller planets around nearby stars. Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld" (ScitechDaily, After 100 Years of Searching, Astronomers Confirm Four Planets at Barnard’s Star)

"This illustration shows Barnard's star, with the correct size and temperature/color, as orbited by the four recently confirmed exoplanets around it. All four exoplanets are close in, with orbits ranging from 2.3 to 6.7 days, and small in mass: between 0.17 and 0.34 Earth masses." (BigThink, Confirmed at last: exoplanets found around nearest single star) (Zoom image)

"Throughout most of the history of astronomy, we knew only of the planets in our own Solar System; the presence or absence of planets around other stars could not be determined. Although the first planets beyond our Solar System, exoplanets, were discovered in 1992, several “false detections,” including around the nearest singlet star to our own, Barnard’s star, came earlier. In 2018, another “false” exoplanet around Barnard’s star was announced, and then refuted in 2021. But now, at last, we’ve found Barnard star’s elusive exoplanets, and they have so much to teach us." BigThink, Confirmed at last: exoplanets found around nearest single star)

Bernard's star has four planets. All of them are sub-earth planets, smaller than Earth. Bernard's star is a very small red dwarf. It's the closest single star to the Sun. 

Slightly larger than Jupiter. And that means the small planets can be seen against that planet. The red dwarf is very close to Earth. The distance between the Sun and Bernard's star is 5.9629 light years. 

Bernard's star is the fourth known individual star. Three components of Alpha Centauri are closer to it. Close distance and dim light make it possible to see those planets when they travel over the star.  And that helps to find those four planets. 

"This artist’s impression shows Barnard b, a sub-Earth-mass planet that was discovered orbiting Barnard’s star. Its signal was detected with the ESPRESSO instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), and astronomers were able to confirm it with data from other instruments. An earlier promising detection in 2018 around the same star could not be confirmed by these data. On this newly discovered exoplanet, which has at least half the mass of Venus but is too hot to support liquid water, a year lasts just over three Earth days." (Wikipedia, Barnard's Star b)

About 100 years astronomers knew that Bernard's star proprietary movement was wobbling. And that gave the possibility that there are planets around that star. And now astronomers confirmed those planet's existence. Those four planets are revolutionary because they have been hunted for so long. They are also smaller than Earth. 

And now we know the solar system. That has four smaller planets than Earth. All of those planets are very small. And that makes them interesting. The sub-earth existence around that star means that there can be more surprises around red dwarfs. That means there can also be sub-earths in well-known exoplanet systems. 

When we think about Earth and our own solar system we always forget that the Earth is the largest of rocky planets. Only gas giants are larger than Earth. And all other rocky planets are smaller than Earth. This is one way. We can see things when we think about exoplanets. 






The new observations about pulsars help us to understand those structures.

"Artist’s impression of ASKAP J1839-0756. Credit: James Josephides" (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Radio Pulses Hint at a Strange Cosmi...